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If you’ve read my post on Fruit trees in edible landscape, I had several varieties of fruit trees densely planted. We had heavily prepared the area with at least 4 inch thick mulch, compost, gypsum and azomite and inter-planted with diverse plants under the canopy of trees.
Early this spring, all the fruit trees broke dormancy and started the display of flowers, starting with the apricots. Little did I know that I would be delightfully surprised with an explosion of fruits. Although I had read enough about the advantages of mulching, I definitely did not expect fruit abundance in the immediate year following the heavy mulching. To give you a perspective, the apricot tree had produced just one fruit last year. However this year has been a whole new story with at-least a 100 if not several more! Pears, which always produced flowers but refused to fruit are now loaded with fruits that are holding on well to the trees. Asian pear is bursting with fruits, and this again has never fruited in the 2 years prior. Literally every single tree, both which has been in the ground since one year to three, are now abundantly loaded with fruits.
I plan on heavily mulching again next year. This should allow the existing one to steadily decompose and build the soil ground up. After consistently doing so for a few years, the biodiversity of the soil would have changed enough for it to sustain the growing vegetation.
Pleasantly surprised and thrilled with the bounty. If this is not abundance, truly what is? 🙂